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How we can help

Number Eight can help you move forward
  • Our impartial, one-stop-shop, approach enables our customers to save time and money while finding the best-fit financing for their business.

  • We are focused on providing a service to you, the business owner, and will always work hard to provide best advice and the best-fit business finance options. 

  • We are able to draw on a wide range of SME business finance experience in varied sectors.

  • We have already supported thousands of small businesses with funding requirements ranging from £1k to £5m+.

  • We collectively have access to over 100 years’ of experience and are highly regarded by both lenders and business advisors.

  • We are an advisory-led intermediary organisation that works closely with lending partners and decision makers. Although the business finance market is constantly changing, we keep abreast of these changes and best practice, so you can be confident of the best advice.

  • Following collection of relevant information, we aim to provide an in-principle offer for our customers within 24 hours. The process, from initial enquiry to funds transferred, varies, but is typically around 10 working days.

Let us guide you towards the best solution for your business

There may be numerous funding options available to you. With so many lenders to choose from, and dozens of product types to consider, it can be a struggle to find the best lending partner for the finance you need. We work with a wide range of different financial organisations to find the most suitable paths to finance available to you.


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We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.

Proud members of  The Guild of Business Finance Professionals
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