The Old Farmhouse Jewellery Limited
Victoria Whitaker
Jewellery manufacturer and distributor, private and wholesale
£60k Purchase Order Finance
Excel-A-Rate Business Finance
What was the Finance for?
Following a recent trade show, Penzance based company, ‘The Old Farmhouse Jewellery’, won an unexpected and lucrative order from one of the UK’s largest retailers. Victoria Whitaker, Managing Director, explained that she was debating attending the show, however the decision to attend proved to be a good one.
Admiring Victoria’s products was a buyer representing FatFace. Within 2 weeks, her business had become an approved supplier and purchase orders had been raised to a value above £160,000. For a micro business, the order size was game changing, however, so was the challenge to deliver. The key challenge was the funding gap ie how to finance the stock and the man-hours needed to fulfil the order and deliver on time.
Finance challenges
Victoria’s bank, Santander, were not supportive and despite having an order of this magnitude from a highly creditworthy retailer, she was informed that they would not be able to offer any type of loan or overdraft because there were no assets to leverage the level of security that would be needed to support a £60,000 facility.