A Little Filler...some mental health chat...balanced by an awful quiz and a few words from Gillian Anderson
As with all of the 'Little Fillers' to date, David & Trevor have tried to keep the content short, sweet and engaging. Despite their best efforts, the chat bounces from one extreme to another and many are forced to switch off and never to return!
Following the last episode, the conversation around mental health was spoken about with Gordon Larson and the feedback received was interesting and hence it was felt necessary to raise this important subject again.
Trevor decides to become a Quiz Master...and fails, leaving David bemused by the unfair scoring that was implemented...and David surprises Trevor with an alleged fan message sent to him by Gillian Anderson, yes, the American actress best known for her X-Files and Sex Education.
Finally, Trevor leaks out a personal secret that David has been keeping under wraps and now there is an unwanted and unnecessary competition between Oasis and David to see who can sell the most tickets. Currently, Oasis are ahead by a supernova and more.